‘The Avengers Game’ two Great Teams are Working on this Project, Game can be Played for Years to Come

By Beth C., | February 02, 2017

New Avengers Game! The Avengers Project Details!

New Avengers Game! The Avengers Project Details!

Square Enix has surely made "The Avengers Game" promising to fans, as two great teams have been working together in order to make a great outcome. It is promised that once the game has been launched, gamers can expect that the game can be played for years to come.

As Daily Star reported, the project will feature a completely different story and that it also built a universe wherein gamers could enjoy the game for a long time. The collaboration of Crystal Dynamics and Eidos-Montreal would surely surprise the fans, as this game developer has been respected and Industry's most talented.

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The two developer promised that they are already working on "The Avengers" project. Through their tandem, Marvel's greatest superheroes could be more surprising to fans, as they have been the most creative developers around the world.

Game Rant also shared that the two developers wanted to offer a different yet more interesting narrative than of "LEGO Marvel's Avengers" as well as the yet to come "Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite" which features a super villain story.

Senior Vice President, Games & Innovation, Marvel Entertainment Jay Ong promised that this game developer will surely bring stories to life that fans have never experienced before. Proving that Marvel superheroes matched with this developers with the most creative minds will surely blow off the gamers minds.

The previous plan for "The Avengers Game" has been canceled yet this game will offer a lot of seriousness for the characters. For now, fans still have to wait for the development of the game as Square Enix has yet announced more about the game.

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