'The Sims 4: Eco Living' Update: Most Wanted Features Include Solar Panels, Windmill and Shower Woohoo

By Matthew King, | April 12, 2017

"The Sims 4" Eco Living gameplay features are being voted for from June 23 to June 26.   (YouTube)

"The Sims 4" Eco Living gameplay features are being voted for from June 23 to June 26. (YouTube)

The voting for the art style of "The Sims 4: Eco Living" is ongoing. It began on April 10 and fans who have not yet voted still have their last chance to do so tomorrow, April 12. 

During the voting for the art style, fans can choose among the art styles suggested for "The Sims 4: Eco Living" Stuff Pack, which will still see its release in 2018. Those who still want to cast their votes can click this link here.

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After that, fans will then vote again for the objects and clothing to be featured in the DLC on May 18 up to May 21. But even before next month's voting, players have been relentlessly talking about what items they want to be included in "The Sims 4: Eco Living". Here are some of fans' most wanted stuff in this upcoming stuff pack for the life simulation game.

Solar Panels 

Since the theme entails eco living, solar panels makes quite a popular choice among fans, which doesn't require seasons.The use of an eco-friendly technology becomes a priority now amidst the issues of climate change. 


Another top feature talked about by fans on community forums is the addition of a windmill. The addition of this eco living stuff will surely make backyards in "The Sims 4" a bit more fascinating to look at.    

Additional Gardening Experience 

This stuff would enable sims to have a more convenient indoor gardening with addition of tools for garden soil or anything to equip them to build a greenhouse. Any item more profound than being just a planter would surely make green-thumb sims happy.  

 Eco House

This possible feature for the stuff pack will let players build an Eco house with a new build mode. Whether it's a farmhouse or modern one, they can opt for tinted windows to lessen the use of electricity for air conditioning or flat roof options, skylights and the like. 

Shower Woohoo 

Shower Woohoo appears to be quite an interesting choice for players as a feature in "The Sims 4: Eco Living". Here, fans say a couple or two people can share a shower to save water makes sense for eco living. Some might oppose to this idea but since the creation of this stuff pack involves all, in the end, majority wins. 

"The Sims 4: Eco Living" is expected to arrive next year. While that sounds quite a wait, fans, in the meantime, are up for more fun with the addition of a new family-themed game pack before end of Spring and fitness-themed stuff pack around summer. 

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