The Cincinnati Zoo Reactivates Twitter Account, but Backlash Continues

By Angel Soleil / 1477478323
(Photo : YouTube) The Cincinnati Zoo continues to be harassed by trolls for opting to kill Harambe.

The Cincinnati Zoo has returned to Twitter two months after it deactivated its account due to a flood of provocations following the death of a gorilla named Harambe. While the zoo has announced that it has improved its exhibit barriers after the incident, it still continues to be harassed by online trolls.

It did not take long enough for online trolls to attack the Twitter account of Cincinnati Zoo after it was reactivated last week. Time reported that the account has been subjected to a barrage of mentions in deleterious tweets, along with memes about Harambe.

Michelle Curley, the spokeswoman for the Cincinnati Zoo, said that the zoo chose to deactivate its Twitter account in  August because it was flooded with a lot of nasty comments. She said that "it was becoming a distraction and not the useful tool it had once been."

Curley added that Cincinnati Zoo wanted to continue reaching out to its followers, and continue to share recent news with them, so they opted to reactivate their Twitter account. 

The management of the Cincinnati Zoo have announced that they have improved their exhibits barrier to ensure that similar incidents do not happen again. The Cincinnati Esquire reported that the zoo recently added a new barrier that stands 42 inches high, equipped with mesh fencing from top to bottom.

While many continue to persecute the Cincinnati Zoo for opting to kill Harambe, local authorities have said that they were satisfied with how the zoo has been dealing with its aftermath of the incident.