Refrigerator Vans And Trucks Standby To Assist Escorting The Dead Coronavirus Bodies

By Telegiz / 1585604777
(Photo : Image by Olga Lionart from Pixabay )

Image by Olga Lionart from Pixabay

As the cases for COVID-19 continues to grow in the US, President Donald Trump has now ordered refrigerator vans to be on standby to assist escorting the possible diseased Americans who will succumb to the deadly coronavirus pandemic. President Trump has admittedly last Sunday that at least 100,000 Americans could die from the virus and will impose more extended suspension guidelines up until April 30.

The Scoop So Far

New York City hospitals have set up makeshift morgues just outside their facilities to handle the mass overflow of coronavirus infected Americans who might succumb to the disease. Refrigerated trucks are parked outside the five boroughs over the weekend. Brown tents with medical staff and officials who cater to rapid evaluations for potential coronavirus patients were also spotted on the scene.

As of Sunday evening, over 33,768 residents in New York City alone tested positive for the coronavirus, which has by far the most in the country.

The largest borough, Queens, has been hit worst of all who has around 10,373 cases alone. Brooklyn has about 8,451, the Bronx with 6,145; Manhattan has 5,438 and Staten Island with over 1,866 cases.

Just within 24 hours from Saturday to Sunday night, there have been 161 deaths in the city, which, if this doesn't alarm you or deter you from going out of your home unnecessarily, then nothing will.

Overall death rate city-wide is about 776 as of late Sunday. There are over 1,000 deaths in New York State residents since the initial outbreak of the pandemic hit the shores in the United States.

What Is The Governments Response?

New York City Mayer Bill de Blasio has been trying to keep his city intact against the pandemic, but despite his efforts, there is a total of 59,513 confirmed cases across his state.

He said, "The numbers are staggering," and added, "This is unprecedented. We've never seen our EMS system get this many calls, ever."

Medical crews on Sunday started assembling triage tents outside New York City hospitals that are already understaffed and overwhelmed by coronavirus patients.

The Mount Sinai system is being imposed, which means that setting up the temporary treatment of facilities outside six of its hospitals, five located in New York City, and one located in Long Island as they prepare for the projected downpour of COVID-19 patients.

Hospital officials said in a statement last week that, "The tents will be critical in helping us limit the spread of the disease between patients and staff,"

The last time this scene happened was on the gloomy day of 9/11 during the terrorist attack that shook the whole world.

The refrigerated trucks that were used back then were to store body parts found in the rubble of the World Trade Center. That terrible incident took the lives of 2,753 people.

It is now more important than ever to keep yourselves and your loved ones safe given that the only time's refrigerated vans were set up outside hospitals meant that you should prepare for the worst-case scenario.