‘Days Gone’ Trailer Revealed at E3; Fantastic and Terrifying but too Identical to Sony’s ‘The Last Of Us’? Deacon’s Mission Finally Unveiled!

By Aliza Xandria / 1497519468
(Photo : YouTube) Trailer for "Days Gone" was recently revealed during the big E3 Conference three days ago, and the game is certainly delivering quality and content. However, several reports have pointed to the game's identical storyline with other of Sony's games, "The Last Of Us" and Horizon Zero Dawn".

Trailer for "Days Gone" was recently revealed during the big E3 Conference three days ago, and the game is certainly delivering quality and content. However, several reports have pointed to the game's identical storyline with other of Sony's games, "The Last Of Us" and Horizon Zero Dawn".

"Days Gone" is an open world survival zombie game in a post-apocalyptic setting where humans have been infected by a global pandemic, turned into flesh eating monsters. The trailer revealed that the game's protagonist, St. Deacon will not be dealing with a regular, slow zombies, but the fast ones, able to run towards the slightest sign of human flesh.

Sony Bend has truly made "Days Gone" exciting at the same time terrifying with all the zombies taking over the world. Players will be dealing primarily with zombies, however, they are not only the threat to life. The trailer showed that animals are also infected. Wolves and Bears which are scary enough have also turned into monsters, making them more vicious and much bigger than their normal size. These animals are also hungry for human flesh and blood.

In the previous months, viewers were wondering about Deacon's mission, and finally, it was revealed during E3. The protagonist will be rescuing his friend who has been captured a group of rivals. It turns out that Deacon is not at all alone in the midst of all the zombie-infested city.

Several critics have seen the similarities between "Days Gone" and "The Last of Us" however, Sony Bend's Emmanuel Roth has explained that "it's just a coincidence and that the main impetus for the project was the dynamic events which make every playthrough different - which is not something The Last Of Us or Horizon had".

"Days Gone" is exclusive for PS4 release, however, the launching has not been confirmed.