Iris ID Tech to be Used to Secure Military Communications

By Prei Dy / 1496934000
Iris ID's iris scanning tech could soon be seen on military applications.

Soldiers would soon scan their iris to secure communications after biometrics firm Iris ID announced that its iris recognition technology has been integrated in Ultra Electronics' tactical information system for military applications.

The Combat Apps Tactical System (CATS) has been designed to safeguard the communication line between headquarters and frontline troops using a lightweight, tablet-based device. Encrypted communications include voice, situational awareness, and high bandwidth video and chat across all available networks.

CATS will feature Iris ID's R-100 camera and IrisAccelerator, which will obtain biometric data to authenticate troop identities in real time using intelligence databases. The iris recognition tech could also be used to authenticate operatives' identities before boarding airplanes, ships, and other type of vehicles.

"The Iris ID technology has been proven effective worldwide in remote locations and during extreme weather conditions for national ID and other programs," Mohammed Murad, Iris ID's vice president of global business development and sales, said. "The R-100 will add valuable capability to Ultra's CATS battlefield information systems."

CATS aims to allow troops to concentrate on their mission while responding faster and more efficiently. Iris ID's core tech helps safeguard borders and airports, is used for national ID and voter registration programs, and gives access control and time-and-attendance for both public and private organizations across the world.

Iris ID's biometric identification technology has been in service at Qatar's Hamad International Airport in Dohato.  Murad boasts that the company's iris recognition can be used by people wearing glasses or contact lenses. It also does not need any contact with the reader (from up to 14 inches away), making it "hygienically safe and non-intrusive."

"Our iris recognition systems are fast and accurate with virtually no false rejections," Murad said.

Iris ID has exhibited its IrisAccess identity authentication system at Intersec Dubai 2017 between January 22 and 24 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center.