Nuclear War: Here's How America Would Stop North Korea's Nuclear Attack

By Jacques Strauss / 1494487236
(Photo : YouTube/ kxan) A massive North Korean weapon is being showcased during a special ceremony.

Experts believe that a nuclear war seems closer now than years before. The ongoing tension between the United States and North Korea could start the activation of nuclear weapons.

Although North Korea lacks the tactical capacity to deploy a nuclear missile that could reach its target. The USA is still taking things seriously, preparing methods that could thwart any nuclear threats, especially that of from North Korea.

One of the highly expected methods of defenses by the US would be a nuclear missile shield or defense system. However, experts believe that the country still lacks the technology to achieve such project. What the US has after decades of attempt is a flawed system that most experts believe would not reliably protect their citizens, according to YahooNews.

Second most viable option for the US to stop nuclear weapons of North Korea from reaching their place is by intercepting the missile while still in space. It is suggested that by putting up one ground-based interceptor in Alaska, the United States will somehow be protected. 

However, although the plan may sound perfect, there are still some issues about the program. Experts contend that the speed of an incoming missile could make it a difficult target, "if you miss by an inch, you can miss by a mile."

Another suggested effort for relief and safety of the US would be intercepting the missile, not in space, but rather as it re-enters the atmosphere. It would be advantageous on their part as air resistance would prevent decoys from distracting a system.

Perhaps the most drastic step to take for the US to secure their country's safety would be to engineer an assassination of the North Korean leader Kim Jong, according to Blasting News. This has accordingly been perpetrated by the CIA in the past, and with national security at threat, the agency might do it again.

Watch here below North Korea's missile launch test report: