'Ark: Survival Evolved' 2017 Update V256.3 Brings Exciting Changes for Frustated Players

By Jacques Strauss / 1491645666
(Photo : YouTube/ Alternative Gaming Channel) An 'Ark: Survival Evolved' is on display.

Players were able to experience an Ark: Survival Evolved game update last week. However, what was supposedly an exciting update received negative feedbacks leading to the release of the V256.3 patch to resolve the concerns.

When "Ark: Survival Evolved" v256 went online last week, developers were expecting that players would appreciate the major rebalancing changes to flying Dinos, according to International Business Times. However, the response of gamers was so negative that it pushed for another patch to fix the issues with its V256.3 patch.

The previous "ARK" game update resulted to the nerfing of some player's capability. To somehow remedy the main concern brought by the previous game update, V256.3 patch brought some tweaks mainly focused on major changes made. With the latest patch, players experience health, weight and stamina boost of airborne animals, making them stronger than they were before the previous patch as mentioned by Game Sinners.

Apart from the said improvements mentioned above, there were also some notable UI tweaks that came along "Ark: Survival Evolved" update v256.3. Some of the adjustments made involved items in the crafting queue now not having right-click options close upon completion.

Moreover, distinguishing eggs with the latest patch has been easier, especially that of the regular eggs and fertilized eggs. Another egg related update included progress percentage display for taming and fertilizing eggs.

Meanwhile, updates with significant game impact involve the visibility of oxygen swim speed multiplier. They are now made available in the Primitive, Primitive+ and NoTame server types. Aside from the said changes, a 0.2s cooldown has also been given for meat consumption, along with the ability to paint the game's vaults.

Since its initial release through Steam Early Access, gamers were able to enjoy a unique open world action-adventure survival game. With its growing popularity and interest among gamers of various platforms, the game is scheduled for release this year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux platforms.

Watch here below "ARK" game trailer: