Early Detection, Treatment, and Prevention Decreases Cancer Death Rates in the US

By KM Diaz / 1491196918
(Photo : YouTube) The treatment such as immunotherapy might be a significant development in survival rates in the future.

Cancer death cases in the United States continue to decrease which indicate improvements in the prevention, early detection, and treatment.

In a new study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, more people are surviving to the threat of cancer in the US for both men and women.

Since 2010 until 2014, the overall rate of cancer death decreased by 1.8 percent among men, cancer death rates decline by 1.4 percent in women, and cancer deaths among children also decrease by 1.6 percent every year.

The researchers from institutions like National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society analyzed the information from population-based cancer registry programs and organized by North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) to study at cancer deaths and survival rates after cancer diagnosis through different time periods from 1975 to 2014.

Researchers have found that cancer death rates continue to decline in the United States. They also noticed the improvements in survival over a range of the most common cancers from 2010 until 2014. Hence, the early detection, prevention, and treatment are all effective.

For men, the developments include the decrease of death rates in lung cancer by 3.5 percent, in colorectal cancer by 2.5 percent, and prostate cancer by 3.4 percent per year. While in women, the cancer death rates decline for 13 of the 18 most common cancers from 2010 to 2014, which includes the decrease in breast cancer by 1.6, colorectal cancer by 2.8 percent, and lung cancer by 2.0 percent per year.

Cancer death rates continue to decrease because of better monitoring and prevention steps. The new treatments also improved life expectancy, according to the researchers. The treatment such as immunotherapy might be a significant development in survival rates in the future.

However, researchers also noted that medical community should continue to monitor the decreasing rate of cancer deaths since the advancement in diminishing mortality and improving survival is limited for some types of cancer only.

Apart from these, the prices of other medications affect the survival results, so they need to continue both new treatments and ways for patients to reach them to save more lives. The new cancer drugs cost $10 000 per month, in which, some patients could not afford even if insured due to high out of pocket expenses.

Researchers concluded that aside from developing effective therapies and cures, the cost-effective medications should be equal to have better preventive measures.