Overwatch's Loot Box Drop Rate Unchanged, Says Director on Blizzard's Forum

By Vishal Goel / 1487242487
(Photo : YouTube) D.Va "Overwatch" character overview trailer

While some players during the recent Lunar New Year event suspected a change in the drop rate of Overwatch's more desirable items, Blizzard insists that is not the case.

During the Winter Wonderland event, some players found themselves not only without any new skins prompting them to wonder if the drop rates for rare skins had been lowered, but they also complained about the quality of higher-rarity skins, especially on the Battle.net forums and on Reddit.

"I've opened maybe 20, got two skins, and got three legendaries that were duplicates and not part of the event," says one user Rhade. "I opened less in the christmas event and got more skins." This sentiment, though not true for every player, is echoed by many other forum users.

"Opened about 20-25 boxes and only got Mei legendary and Junk epic," suggests another user KillANDKill. He further added by saying, "Dunno if I was unlucky or blizz tweak the RNG for loot box."

However, Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan cleared the air on Blizzard's forums saying that nothing has changed. "The drop rates for Summer Games, Halloween Terror, Winter Wonderland, and Year of the Rooster are all the same," he wrote.

Players were specifically upset that Mei's new Legendary (the highest rarity level) was not worthy of the designation and to this, Kaplan apologized and said that the company would definitely take that feedback into account, reports Gamespot.

After the wrapping up of the Lunar New Year event, Blizzard has not yet announced the next big update. However, some important balance changes have been made on test servers recently and the company is also testing out custom games and a server browser. Additionally, rumors continue to spread that Doomfist would be the next playable character, and Terry Crews wants to voice him.