$290 Robot Arm Could be Your Next Desktop Buddy

By James Morales / 1486825921
(Photo : YouTube) Robotic Arm uArm Swift for $290 to be shipped by May 2017

A new open source company has developed a robotic arm that you can put on your desktop to help you perform menial tasks. Dubbed as uAam Swift, the robot arm can be purchased for only $290 for the basic version.

In the past, robot arms were developed to be used on mechanical robots or as prosthetic arms and limbs. But thinking outside the box, UFactory designed the robot arms to provide menial help on the desktop table.

A few weeks ago, the company launched an Indiegogo fundraising campaign to support the production of its "domestic helper." The fundraising bid for the open source uArm Swift leaped past the $10,000 goal reaching $280,000 according to Engadget. The robotic arms were originally called "Metal" during the prototype stage. Now entering its commercial production, it was given the name "Swift," and will come in two different versions.

The robotic arm will have the form of an articulated desk lamp, similar to Tony Stark's (Iron Man) advanced desktop helper. The uArm Swift will have expanded functionality, specifically a port for Grove modular electronics and OpenMV cameras. The package will come with a computer software called uArm Studio to be used to program the mechanical arm. The software will have a Blockly-based graphical interface and gesture control using LeapMotion.

For extra-complicated programming concept, Creator Studio will be included in the package. This deals with computer vision commands. Users can even make the robot arm stir coffee, or do some engraving assignments.

There are two variants of the uArm Swift. The first is a standard-level Swift which can be bought for $290 which can do basic tasks and programs. The industrial variant called $340 Swift Pro can be installed with intricate gears and stepper motors for better accuracy when doing laser engraving or 3D-Printing. GroveKits and OpenMV cameras are sold separately. The kits are expected to start shipping by May 2017.