SpaceX Creates Computer and Human Brain Interface; Paving way for the Future of Artificial Intelligence

By Aloha Rose Baldovino / 1485807660
Musk highlighted the unlimited potential of the neural lace in addressing the limits of humans in computing and digital advancement

SpaceX has made advancements in digital systems, permitting it to be linked to the human brain to create a symbiotic relationship. The concept entails the creation of human artificial intelligence by building a neural lace between the computer and the human brain.

According to LiveScience, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk announced that the technology is being development which will connect the brain of a human being to a computer interface called the neural lace. A digital layer of intelligence will be added to the human brain with the use of a computer, Musk revealed during the Recode's Code Conference in 2016.

More information about SpaceX's Artificial Intelligence (AI) project will be further revealed in February. With this technology, human beings will no longer be inferior to computers.

Musk highlighted the unlimited potential of the neural lace in addressing the limits of humans in computing and digital advancement. Musk highlighted that humans are slow in terms of output but very fast in the input of data and information. This is the problem that the neural lace will hope to solve.